Thursday 23 April 2015

Popular misconceptions about art or studying art
OMG! The topic for today is so fun!!! It will bring out of me all the hate that I feel! yeaaaah!!
So for start, since i've decided to study art, some people that I didn't even meet were asking me like: "Oh, and how are you going to live?" "How are you going to make money" And this was always so annoying, but I think the worst is when people say : "Oh, Art? that's so beautiful" jajaja It's sad, but it makes me laugh.
And there's other people that tell you: "Art? I don't understand art, can you explain me contemporary art?" "why is Duchamp's urinary  art?" or "It seems everything can be Art today (like angry), I just like the beauty of the old paintings like Leonardo's and Miguel Angel's paintings"
When I say that I study Art with other students, like engineering students they are always like trying to make me feel like I'm not doing anything productive and trying to make me feel sorry about them and for all the hours that they have spent studying instead of sleeping, and they always think that numbers and money are so much more important than philosophy and art (and all the other things that are not numbers and money LOL).
The other fun thing is when people take art so seriously, and you see that a lot in Art's world.
What do I know... I just think the art is part of an infinitive mental game.
My mom is very supportive, she had always said to me that I could do anything that I want with my life, always that it makes me feel happy.
I'm not really into earning lots of money, I prefer to do something that I like and for now, Art is pretty fun to me.

My Future Job.
Today I'm going to talk about some kind of fob that I would like to have... and I sincerly declare right now that I don't want to have any job jajajajaja I would like to live in the pharm with my grandparents and just work in the field and eat what I harvest, but I think that it's not a real option because I'm too lazy for excercise and for everything that involves to move the body like a lot of times... anyway, if I can be dreamy about this subject, I would like to be like the manager of a band or something, and can travel arround the world, working outdoor and meeting the musicians, and of course to live permanently in the 80's . I think I would love to be the manager of my favorite band "The Melvins", that would be so perfect.
Ok... that's never going to happend, I really have no idea about the job that I want, but I don't want to work in an office, I would like to travel a lot if it's possible, but I think I'm going to do that anyway, indepently of my job.
Right now I'm seriously thinking in take the next year the pedagogy program so I can earn some money every month and have some financial stability.
Here is a picture about "The Melvins" the band that I speak earlier, just in case one of the guys of the band read this...

Thursday 16 April 2015

Hello everybody! today's topic it's about one of my favorite things to do as a child... watch cartoons!!! I don't know what was the reason, but when I was like 7 years old I always wake up really early everyday in the weekends, like 7 AM and instantly of the moment I was awake. I turned on the TV to can watch my favorite cartoons while I was eating my breakfast. I loved to watch all the nickelodeon's cartoons like Hey Arnold!, Rugrats, The Thonberries, but my favorite was something totally different... Dr. Slump!!!
I wanted so bad to be like Arale and have that beautiful purple hair!
All the characters were so amazing and funny, and all the stupid situations made me laugh for hours!
Even the poop was cute, and that's a lot to say!!
The only negative thing I can say about it, it's that there was only 2 seassons or something like that, so in one month you could watch all the episodes and then start again and never be able to watch new episodes :(
Once it was like and epic episode when Goku arrive in Pinguin Village and meet Arale! so amazing!

Monday 6 April 2015

Good day everybody! today's post is about a country that I would like to visit...
And I was thinking really badly like trying to choose one country, because I do want to travel arround the world... I mean, not today and not tomorrow but I would love to be in the 5 continents at least.
And I think my choice is not a country actually jajaja it's a city!!! I really want to go to New York, I mean last year I was there but just for one day, and that is not enough for such a big city. And the day that I was there it was perfect, I wish I could go there for at least a week, but it's such an expensive city, you need to save a lot of money to bee there and now more than ever because de dollar it's like in the clouds. 
Everything about New York calls my attention, the amount of museums, the good food, the stores, the people, I know a lot of people says that people in New york is bad and it's dangerous to go out alone, but I really like it because it has a big diversity of cultures and I think that is the main reason of my choose, because more than be another state in the U.S.A., New York it's like a country by itself.
So here is my opinion, what do you guys think? Am I putting to high this city? maybe, but you have to recognize that this city has charm.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Something about my past
Hello everybody! this is such a beautiful day, and I would like to start telling everybody about my music taste when I was a teenager.
Being a teenager wasn't easy for everybody and I think it has a lot to do with all the anger that was hidden when we were just a little child, and what a better way to express our selfs than loud music full of bad words, in my experience this band was System of a Down.
The first time that I listened to SOAD was in the radio with the song Chop Suey that started with something like: "Wake Up! pyurehjbrygjdsbdfs Make Up! ygrfeiuhakljfhweub Wake Up!" it was very fun to listen and sing when I was like 12 years old, my cousins and I used to start listening to SOAD from that song, and then it was like a SOADMANIA for us. We had the Dvd's and the Cd's, everything ilegal of course because we were too poor for spent like all our money in that. So my first album was Toxicity from SOAD.
Anyway, my first concert was at 14 years old in the chilean's peak of music or something like that, I were there with a friend of mine called Yurysan and the next day we both had a sunstroke.
The funny thing is when I grew up this band actually came to Chile and I was like 18 years old and of course that I bought a ticket to saw them. It was a really fun night full of memories from my childhood and good old songs.
I guess it's kind of a stupid band but it brings me so much joy to remember how I grew up with my cousins and all the stupid things and mess that we used to make together.